Worlds Pickem Data Archive

Worlds 2021 Data


Champion Wins Total Matches Winrate Bans Kills Deaths Assists Pentakills Roles Played
Aatrox 4 6 67 2 16 10 33 0 TOP, MID
Akali 1 3 33 0 4 9 7 0 MID
Alistar 2 7 28 1 6 25 43 0 SUP
Amumu 4 12 33 17 11 53 90 0 SUP
Annie 1 2 50 1 6 6 18 0 MID
Aphelios 24 38 63 44 144 72 158 0 BOT
Ashe 0 1 0 0 2 6 5 0 BOT
Azir 7 14 50 14 40 40 58 0 MID
Bard 1 1 100 0 1 0 10 0 SUP
Braum 7 18 39 13 7 54 136 0 SUP
Camille 8 13 62 26 39 50 85 0 TOP
Draven 2 5 40 27 21 10 15 0 BOT
Ezreal 12 25 48 16 100 60 104 0 BOT
Fiddlesticks 1 2 50 2 8 9 12 0 JNG
Fiora 4 5 80 0 24 7 17 0 TOP, MID
Galio 1 4 25 11 8 12 27 0 MID
Gangplank 3 6 50 8 25 21 34 0 TOP
Gnar 5 14 36 6 34 40 43 0 TOP
Gragas 5 9 56 1 21 29 72 0 TOP, JNG, MID, SUP
Graves 23 41 56 29 125 103 176 0 TOP, JNG
Gwen 7 19 37 19 47 44 70 0 TOP, MID
Irelia 7 19 37 71 38 77 75 0 TOP, MID
Jarvan IV 17 37 46 39 88 117 294 0 TOP, JNG
Jax 4 9 44 3 27 28 37 0 TOP
Jayce 13 34 38 30 106 123 168 0 TOP
Jhin 18 29 62 2 94 31 167 0 BOT
Jinx 0 1 0 3 0 3 2 0 BOT
Kai'Sa 5 11 45 4 50 24 59 0 BOT
Kalista 0 2 0 2 7 8 14 0 BOT
Karma 0 1 0 1 1 3 3 0 SUP
Kassadin 1 1 100 6 8 2 8 0 MID
Kennen 20 30 67 45 123 105 186 0 TOP, MID
Kled 1 3 33 0 5 12 13 0 TOP, MID
LeBlanc 15 29 52 71 107 59 146 0 MID
Lee Sin 33 58 56 60 179 160 413 0 JNG
Leona 30 56 54 31 41 184 439 0 SUP
Lillia 5 10 50 7 41 31 60 0 TOP, JNG
Lissandra 5 6 83 3 11 10 42 0 MID
Lucian 18 34 53 66 139 103 189 1 TOP, BOT
Lulu 9 17 53 3 13 37 121 0 SUP
Malphite 1 3 33 5 4 8 16 0 TOP
Malzahar 2 3 67 2 10 6 18 0 MID
Maokai 1 2 50 0 2 7 15 0 SUP
Miss Fortune 38 80 47 18 315 173 363 0 BOT
Nami 9 18 50 24 21 44 185 0 SUP
Nautilus 5 11 45 6 4 51 86 0 SUP
Nidalee 3 4 75 3 15 5 34 0 JNG
Nocturne 1 1 100 2 2 3 12 0 JNG
Olaf 4 11 36 13 48 35 66 0 TOP, JNG
Orianna 6 17 35 5 40 38 65 0 MID
Ornn 0 1 0 1 1 2 3 0 MID
Poppy 6 11 55 10 17 25 59 0 TOP, JNG
Pyke 1 3 33 0 13 15 19 0 SUP
Qiyana 11 15 73 22 54 35 87 0 JNG
Rakan 24 43 56 24 32 117 430 0 SUP
Rell 5 10 50 3 10 34 84 0 SUP
Renekton 8 16 50 5 29 43 56 0 TOP
Rumble 1 4 25 2 9 12 15 0 TOP, MID
Ryze 15 33 45 49 103 93 167 0 MID
Sejuani 0 2 0 1 4 7 16 0 JNG
Senna 1 2 50 0 3 3 25 0 BOT
Seraphine 0 1 0 1 2 1 8 0 MID
Sett 3 6 50 7 13 25 23 0 TOP, MID, SUP
Shaco 0 1 0 0 0 4 1 0 JNG
Shen 1 4 25 0 4 14 31 0 TOP, SUP
Sion 1 1 100 2 2 1 9 0 SUP
Sylas 14 29 48 17 108 98 153 0 MID
Syndra 14 19 74 12 73 41 144 0 TOP, MID
Tahm Kench 1 1 100 1 4 0 7 0 TOP
Taliyah 3 4 75 4 21 11 28 0 JNG
Talon 10 18 56 15 66 51 84 0 JNG
Thresh 9 16 56 20 9 37 141 0 SUP
Tristana 2 4 50 1 10 9 14 0 BOT
Trundle 3 8 38 5 13 23 54 0 JNG, SUP
Tryndamere 3 8 38 15 34 19 43 0 TOP, MID
Twisted Fate 15 28 54 64 58 55 230 0 MID
Urgot 2 2 100 6 14 1 11 0 TOP
Varus 0 2 0 1 1 6 1 0 BOT
Vayne 0 1 0 0 4 3 2 0 BOT
Viego 10 19 53 7 67 41 128 0 JNG
Viktor 0 3 0 0 13 12 15 0 MID
Vladimir 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Wukong 5 8 62 4 37 23 44 0 TOP, SUP
Xayah 1 3 33 1 5 11 14 0 BOT
Xin Zhao 15 45 33 39 100 160 241 0 JNG
Yasuo 2 4 50 3 13 10 23 0 TOP, MID
Yone 0 5 0 8 8 21 22 0 TOP, MID
Yuumi 8 15 53 69 21 21 143 0 SUP
Zed 1 2 50 0 3 6 3 0 JNG, MID
Ziggs 3 9 33 9 21 21 44 0 BOT
Zilean 2 3 67 0 1 4 39 0 SUP
Zoe 12 19 63 19 56 29 97 0 MID


Team Player Kills Deaths Assists KDA Most Kills In A Single Game Pentakills First Bloods Played Champions Number Of Played Champions Games
100 Thieves Abbedagge 15 16 26 2.56 6 0 0 LeBlanc, Orianna, Ryze, Sylas, Zoe 5 6
100 Thieves Closer 13 20 34 2.35 4 0 0 Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Trundle, Viego 4 6
100 Thieves FBI 23 14 28 3.64 7 0 0 Ezreal, Kai'Sa, Lucian, Miss Fortune 4 6
100 Thieves huhi 10 14 49 4.21 3 0 2 Alistar, Leona, Nami, Yuumi 4 6
100 Thieves Ssumday 11 13 29 3.08 4 0 0 Aatrox, Gangplank, Graves, Kennen, Malphite, Renekton 6 6
Beyond Gaming Doggo 77 26 65 5.46 11 0 4 Aphelios, Draven, Ezreal, Kai'Sa, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Vayne 7 13
Beyond Gaming Husha 43 43 82 2.91 9 0 1 Graves, Lee Sin, Lillia, Talon, Viego, Xin Zhao 6 13
Beyond Gaming Kino 11 51 111 2.39 5 0 0 Alistar, Amumu, Braum, Leona, Rakan, Thresh 6 13
Beyond Gaming Liang 34 37 60 2.54 5 0 1 Aatrox, Camille, Fiora, Gnar, Irelia, Jayce, Kled, Lillia, Tahm Kench, Tryndamere 10 12
Beyond Gaming Maoan 29 38 68 2.55 9 0 0 Orianna, Ryze, Sylas, Syndra, Yone 5 10
Beyond Gaming PK 4 20 12 0.8 2 0 0 Gwen, Jarvan IV, Kennen, Ornn 4 4
Cloud9 Blaber 62 45 129 4.24 11 0 3 Graves, Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Lillia, Olaf, Poppy, Qiyana, Taliyah, Xin Zhao 9 18
Cloud9 Fudge 63 42 103 3.95 8 0 0 Camille, Gangplank, Gnar, Graves, Gwen, Irelia, Jarvan IV, Jax, Jayce, Kennen, Malphite, Wukong 12 18
Cloud9 Perkz 69 43 101 3.95 9 0 2 Irelia, LeBlanc, Ryze, Sylas, Syndra, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Yasuo, Zoe 9 18
Cloud9 Vulcan 17 59 178 3.31 3 0 0 Alistar, Amumu, Leona, Nami, Nautilus, Rakan, Rell, Thresh, Yuumi 9 18
Cloud9 Zven 61 45 92 3.4 9 0 4 Aphelios, Ezreal, Kai'Sa, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Tristana, Ziggs 7 18
DWG KIA BeryL 22 44 166 4.27 10 0 0 Alistar, Braum, Leona, Lulu, Maokai, Nami, Pyke, Rakan, Rell, Shen, Thresh, Yuumi 12 19
DWG KIA Canyon 55 34 130 5.44 7 0 2 Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Poppy, Qiyana, Talon, Trundle, Xin Zhao 7 19
DWG KIA Ghost 72 30 102 5.8 9 0 0 Aphelios, Draven, Jhin, Miss Fortune, Ziggs 5 19
DWG KIA Khan 67 55 113 3.27 10 1 4 Gragas, Graves, Gwen, Jax, Jayce, Kennen, Lucian, Yasuo 8 19
DWG KIA ShowMaker 75 27 125 7.41 11 0 4 Azir, Kassadin, LeBlanc, Malzahar, Orianna, Ryze, Sylas, Syndra, Twisted Fate, Zoe 10 19
DetonatioN FocusMe Aria 27 17 43 4.12 6 0 1 Akali, LeBlanc, Orianna, Sylas, Twisted Fate, Zoe 6 11
DetonatioN FocusMe Evi 29 36 49 2.17 10 0 1 Gnar, Poppy, Renekton, Sett, Tryndamere, Urgot 6 11
DetonatioN FocusMe Gaeng 6 35 76 2.34 3 0 0 Alistar, Leona, Rakan, Thresh, Yuumi 5 11
DetonatioN FocusMe Steal 28 31 50 2.52 6 0 3 Lee Sin, Lillia, Poppy, Shaco, Talon, Xin Zhao 6 11
DetonatioN FocusMe Yutapon 37 20 44 4.05 7 0 2 Aphelios, Ezreal, Jhin, Miss Fortune 4 11
EDward Gaming Flandre 56 53 91 2.77 8 0 2 Graves, Gwen, Irelia, Jax, Jayce, Kennen 6 21
EDward Gaming JieJie 47 52 155 3.88 7 0 2 Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Olaf, Talon, Viego, Xin Zhao 6 21
EDward Gaming Meiko 14 41 188 4.93 2 0 2 Braum, Leona, Lulu, Nami, Nautilus, Rakan, Yuumi, Zilean 8 21
EDward Gaming Scout 69 38 109 4.68 12 0 5 Azir, LeBlanc, Lissandra, Malzahar, Orianna, Ryze, Sylas, Syndra, Twisted Fate, Viktor, Zoe 11 21
EDward Gaming Viper 73 41 104 4.32 7 0 1 Aphelios, Ezreal, Jhin, Jinx, Kai'Sa, Lucian, Miss Fortune 7 21
Fnatic Adam 26 39 30 1.44 8 0 1 Graves, Jayce, Kennen, Olaf, Sett 5 6
Fnatic BEAN 24 22 32 2.55 10 0 1 Ashe, Jhin, Miss Fortune, Xayah 4 6
Fnatic Bwipo 22 30 52 2.47 8 0 0 Graves, Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Viego, Xin Zhao 5 6
Fnatic Hylissang 3 47 65 1.45 2 0 0 Braum, Nautilus, Pyke, Rakan, Thresh 5 6
Fnatic Nisqy 19 29 47 2.28 5 0 0 Ryze, Sylas, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Zoe 5 6
FunPlus Phoenix Crisp 6 20 33 1.95 2 0 2 Braum, Leona, Lulu, Nautilus, Rakan, Rell, Thresh 7 7
FunPlus Phoenix Doinb 11 20 27 1.9 4 0 0 Galio, Irelia, Malzahar, Rumble, Ryze, Sylas, Twisted Fate 7 7
FunPlus Phoenix Lwx 21 20 17 1.9 7 0 0 Aphelios, Jhin, Kai'Sa, Miss Fortune 4 7
FunPlus Phoenix Nuguri 15 28 22 1.32 5 0 0 Gragas, Graves, Jayce, Kennen 4 7
FunPlus Phoenix Tian 10 23 28 1.65 4 0 0 Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Viego 3 7
Galatasaray Esports Alive 36 33 34 2.12 10 0 2 Ezreal, Lucian, Miss Fortune 3 9
Galatasaray Esports Bolulu 24 22 59 3.77 7 0 0 Azir, Ryze, Sylas, Twisted Fate, Zoe 5 9
Galatasaray Esports Crazy 26 28 47 2.61 6 0 1 Gnar, Gwen, Jayce, Kennen, Renekton 5 9
Galatasaray Esports Mojito 31 42 46 1.83 6 0 1 Lee Sin, Olaf, Qiyana, Talon, Xin Zhao 5 9
Galatasaray Esports Zergsting 7 43 70 1.79 2 0 1 Bard, Braum, Leona, Nami, Rakan, Thresh, Trundle 7 9
Gen.G Bdd 52 40 100 3.8 10 0 1 Aatrox, Azir, Orianna, Seraphine, Sylas, Syndra, Yone, Zoe 8 16
Gen.G Burdol 10 19 15 1.32 5 0 0 Camille, Graves, Irelia 3 3
Gen.G Clid 52 49 103 3.16 9 0 5 Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Olaf, Taliyah, Trundle, Viego, Xin Zhao 7 16
Gen.G Life 19 39 149 4.31 3 0 2 Amumu, Leona, Lulu, Nautilus, Rakan, Yuumi 6 16
Gen.G Rascal 37 33 51 2.67 7 0 1 Graves, Gwen, Kennen, Renekton 4 13
Gen.G Ruler 56 25 91 5.88 7 0 0 Aphelios, Jhin, Kalista, Miss Fortune 4 16
Hanwha Life Esports Chovy 51 32 88 4.34 10 0 2 Azir, Fiora, LeBlanc, Orianna, Sylas, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Yasuo, Zoe 9 17
Hanwha Life Esports Deft 78 34 83 4.74 9 0 2 Aphelios, Draven, Ezreal, Kai'Sa, Miss Fortune, Varus 6 17
Hanwha Life Esports Morgan 37 47 100 2.91 5 0 1 Aatrox, Camille, Irelia, Jarvan IV, Kennen, Renekton 6 17
Hanwha Life Esports Vsta 14 46 146 3.48 3 0 2 Amumu, Braum, Gragas, Karma, Leona, Nautilus, Pyke, Rakan, Thresh 9 17
Hanwha Life Esports Willer 60 42 111 4.07 12 0 2 Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Nidalee, Olaf, Sejuani, Taliyah, Viego, Xin Zhao 8 17
INFINITY Ackerman 0 10 22 2.2 0 0 0 Amumu, Braum, Nami, Rakan 4 4
INFINITY Buggax 18 12 4 1.83 13 0 0 Gnar, Graves, Jayce, Kennen 4 4
INFINITY cody 4 19 15 1.0 2 0 0 LeBlanc, Sylas, Zoe 3 4
INFINITY SolidSnake 5 17 18 1.35 2 0 1 Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Qiyana, Xin Zhao 4 4
INFINITY Whitelotus 7 11 13 1.82 4 0 0 Aphelios, Lucian, Miss Fortune 3 4
LNG Esports Ale 50 23 45 4.13 8 0 4 Camille, Fiora, Gwen, Jax, Jayce, Kennen, Wukong 7 11
LNG Esports icon 36 27 54 3.33 7 0 1 Gragas, Irelia, LeBlanc, Lissandra, Ryze, Sylas, Syndra, Zed 8 11
LNG Esports Iwandy 8 16 85 5.81 2 0 0 Leona, Rakan, Thresh, Yuumi 4 11
LNG Esports Light 36 9 55 10.11 7 0 0 Aphelios, Ezreal, Jhin, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Ziggs 6 11
LNG Esports Tarzan 27 17 70 5.71 7 0 2 Gragas, Graves, Lee Sin, Qiyana, Viego, Xin Zhao 6 11
MAD Lions Armut 35 46 61 2.09 7 0 0 Gnar, Gwen, Irelia, Jax, Jayce, Kennen, Wukong 7 11
MAD Lions Carzzy 43 38 59 2.68 8 0 1 Aphelios, Ezreal, Lucian, Miss Fortune 4 11
MAD Lions Elyoya 33 44 85 2.68 11 0 1 Gragas, Graves, Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Poppy, Qiyana, Viego, Xin Zhao 8 11
MAD Lions Humanoid 46 42 66 2.67 7 0 0 Azir, LeBlanc, Orianna, Ryze, Sylas, Twisted Fate, Viktor 7 11
MAD Lions Kaiser 10 34 112 3.59 3 0 3 Leona, Nami, Rakan, Rell, Thresh, Yuumi 6 11
PEACE (Oceanic Team) Aladoric 9 33 108 3.55 4 0 1 Amumu, Braum, Leona, Nami, Rakan 5 12
PEACE (Oceanic Team) Babip 42 45 77 2.64 8 0 3 Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Lillia, Nidalee, Nocturne, Xin Zhao, Zed 7 12
PEACE (Oceanic Team) Tally 39 41 69 2.63 8 0 0 Aatrox, Akali, Galio, Irelia, Ryze, Sylas, Tryndamere, Yone 8 12
PEACE (Oceanic Team) Violet 47 36 59 2.94 9 0 1 Aphelios, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Tristana, Xayah 5 12
PEACE (Oceanic Team) Vizicsacsi 32 39 44 1.95 7 0 1 Gangplank, Gnar, Jarvan IV, Jayce, Kennen, Poppy, Renekton, Rumble, Sett, Shen 10 12
PSG Talon Hanabi 35 18 38 4.06 14 0 2 Gangplank, Graves, Gwen, Jayce, Kennen 5 6
PSG Talon Kaiwing 3 13 62 5.0 1 0 0 Braum, Leona, Nautilus, Thresh, Yuumi 5 6
PSG Talon Maple 26 16 30 3.5 7 0 0 LeBlanc, Sylas, Syndra, Tryndamere 4 6
PSG Talon River 15 18 51 3.67 5 0 0 Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Talon, Xin Zhao 4 6
PSG Talon Unified 14 12 34 4.0 6 0 0 Aphelios, Jhin, Miss Fortune 3 6
RED Canids Aegis 19 33 44 1.91 5 0 0 Graves, Lee Sin, Lillia, Xin Zhao 4 9
RED Canids Avenger 4 4 10 3.5 3 0 1 Akali, Zoe 2 2
RED Canids Grevthar 16 23 32 2.09 5 0 1 Irelia, Kled, Ryze, Sett, Sylas, Twisted Fate 6 7
RED Canids Guigo 22 36 33 1.53 6 0 0 Camille, Gangplank, Jax, Kennen, Wukong, Yone 6 9
RED Canids Jojo 6 35 61 1.91 1 0 1 Amumu, Leona, Lulu, Rakan 4 9
RED Canids TitaN 36 27 30 2.44 15 0 2 Aphelios, Ezreal, Kalista, Miss Fortune, Xayah 5 9
Rogue (European Team) Hans sama 33 15 37 4.67 8 0 0 Draven, Jhin, Lucian, Miss Fortune 4 8
Rogue (European Team) Inspired 26 25 46 2.88 7 0 1 Fiddlesticks, Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Olaf, Qiyana 5 8
Rogue (European Team) Larssen 25 19 37 3.26 5 0 1 LeBlanc, Orianna, Ryze, Sylas, Twisted Fate 5 8
Rogue (European Team) Odoamne 16 26 34 1.92 4 0 0 Graves, Gwen, Jayce, Kennen, Rumble 5 8
Rogue (European Team) Trymbi 6 31 76 2.65 2 0 0 Braum, Leona, Nami, Rakan 4 8
Royal Never Give Up Cryin 31 28 114 5.18 5 0 0 Annie, Galio, LeBlanc, Orianna, Ryze, Twisted Fate 6 12
Royal Never Give Up GALA 51 21 58 5.19 10 0 0 Aphelios, Kai'Sa, Miss Fortune, Ziggs 4 12
Royal Never Give Up Ming 14 45 105 2.64 2 0 2 Alistar, Braum, Lulu, Nautilus, Rakan, Rell, Sett 7 12
Royal Never Give Up Wei 53 41 95 3.61 9 0 3 Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Viego, Xin Zhao 4 12
Royal Never Give Up Xiaohu 46 33 78 3.76 10 0 2 Camille, Gragas, Gwen, Irelia, Jayce, Kennen, Lucian, Syndra 8 12
T1 Canna 37 26 63 3.85 7 0 1 Gnar, Graves, Gwen, Jayce, Kennen, Yasuo 6 14
T1 Faker 26 20 67 4.65 5 0 3 Azir, Lissandra, Orianna, Ryze, Twisted Fate, Zoe 6 14
T1 Gumayusi 49 14 52 7.21 8 0 1 Aphelios, Jhin, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Ziggs 5 14
T1 Keria 8 17 120 7.53 3 0 1 Braum, Leona, Lulu, Rakan, Shen, Thresh, Yuumi, Zilean 8 14
T1 Oner 44 24 72 4.83 11 0 4 Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Poppy, Qiyana, Talon, Xin Zhao 6 14
Team Liquid Alphari 19 17 22 2.41 5 0 0 Camille, Gnar, Graves, Jarvan IV, Jax, Jayce 6 7
Team Liquid CoreJJ 6 25 47 2.12 3 0 0 Leona, Rakan, Rell, Shen, Thresh 5 7
Team Liquid Jensen 24 15 33 3.8 7 0 1 Irelia, LeBlanc, Syndra, Twisted Fate 4 7
Team Liquid Santorin 12 15 53 4.33 5 0 1 Lee Sin, Sejuani, Talon, Trundle, Xin Zhao 5 7
Team Liquid Tactical 14 17 24 2.24 6 0 0 Aphelios, Ezreal, Jhin, Tristana, Ziggs 5 7
Unicorns of Love.CIS AHaHaCiK 8 17 26 2.0 3 0 0 Lee Sin, Trundle 2 5
Unicorns of Love.CIS Argonavt 5 13 31 2.77 2 0 0 Ezreal, Miss Fortune, Senna 3 4
Unicorns of Love.CIS Argonavtt 2 4 2 1.0 2 0 0 Lucian 1 1
Unicorns of Love.CIS BOSS 23 21 19 2.0 6 0 1 Camille, Jayce, Wukong 3 5
Unicorns of Love.CIS Nomanz 14 18 24 2.11 6 0 0 LeBlanc, Orianna, Sylas 3 5
Unicorns of Love.CIS SaNTaS 3 18 28 1.72 2 0 0 Amumu, Nautilus, Rakan, Sion, Wukong 5 5


Team Shortest Game Win Longest Game Win Baron Steals Played Champions Reverse Sweeps
100 Thieves 33:07 49:21 1 23 0
Beyond Gaming 25:20 36:38 1 37 1
Cloud9 19:32 54:07 0 43 0
DWG KIA 29:03 39:33 1 42 0
DetonatioN FocusMe 27:55 36:46 0 26 0
EDward Gaming 25:54 41:19 3 38 0
Fnatic 37:31 37:31 0 23 0
FunPlus Phoenix 34:25 36:44 0 25 0
Galatasaray Esports 29:08 42:10 0 25 0
Gen.G 23:42 48:08 2 31 0
Hanwha Life Esports 23:00 43:15 0 37 0
INFINITY None None 0 18 0
LNG Esports 23:30 40:46 0 30 0
MAD Lions 31:22 46:59 0 32 0
PEACE (Oceanic Team) 23:54 34:20 0 34 0
PSG Talon 36:36 46:11 0 21 0
RED Canids 24:51 32:36 0 27 0
Rogue (European Team) 32:34 40:57 0 23 0
Royal Never Give Up 28:23 43:50 0 29 0
T1 19:53 37:47 1 31 0
Team Liquid 27:08 35:03 1 25 0
Unicorns of Love.CIS 25:43 25:43 1 16 0


Drake Times Killed
Cloud 126
Infernal 124
Mountain 122
Ocean 134